Viewing Q-Sort Submissions
Sometimes it’s helpful to be able to review a participant’s q-sort submissions visually so that you can see exactly how the participant sorted their statements in the concourse. This can be helpful when reviewing your data, and checking for anomalies with certain submissions.
You can only view participant’s sorts after they have submitted their q-sort. If the user has not yet submitted their study, you will not be able to view their sort until they do.
1. Previewing Q-Sorts
- To preview a q-sorts submissions, click Q-Sort Submissions in the left-hand navigation menu.
- Find the code or participant that you want to view the q-sort for by searching in the text box. Click on the instance ID to open the participant’s q-sort.
- If you want to look through all the q-sorts, click on the first participant’s Instance ID in the table. The q-sort will appear:
2. Working With the View Q-Sort Panel
Once the View Q-Sort Panel has been opened from the Study Dashboard or the Participation Code list, you will see a visual representation of the q-sort that the participant submitted. Within the interface, there are several features that you can use to view the q-sort, or quickly jump to other q-sorts within the study.
Navigating Between Q-Sorts
When the View Q-Sort Panel is open, you are able to navigate to other submitted q-sorts easily by using the navigation tools built into the panel.
Navigating to the Next or Previous Q-Sort
To cycle through the various q-sorts in a study, you can click the Next or Previous buttons at the top of the View Q-Sort Panel. This will load the next or previous q-sort and update the concourse with that particular q-sort
Zooming and Panning
If your study has a lot of statements, you may need to zoom in to be able to read the statements in the concourse. You can zoom the concourse in the following ways:
- Use the plus / minus buttons in the interface to zoom in and out
- You can use your mouse’s wheel to zoom in and out
To pan around the concourse when zoomed in follow these steps:
- Zoom in to a section of the concourse by following the steps above.
- While zoomed in, left-click in the concourse and hold your mouse down
- While holding your mouse down, drag the concourse to the location that you want to pan to.
Closing the View Q-Sort Panel
You can close the View Q-Sort Panel in the following ways:
- Click the close icon in the top left of the panel
- You can click anywhere outside of the panel in the gray overlay to the left of the panel